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Quick Start


Prepare MCDR

Prime Backup is a MCDReforged plugin, and it requires mcdreforged>=2.12 to work

To install / update MCDReforged, you can run:

pip3 install mcdreforged>=2.12 -U

See MCDR document for more information

Install Python requirements

Prime Backup requires a few python libraries to run, they are all listed in the requirements.txt at the GitHub repository root


Use command pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install all required Python requirements

You can also use the following command to install all required python packages for the latest Prime Backup in one step

pip3 install -r

Optional requirements

Some Prime Backup features requires python libraries that does not listed in the requirements.txt, because it might take you some effort to install in some environments

If you want to have full features of Prime Backup, you can use the following command in advanced:

pip3 install -r

These optional requirements are also stored in the requirements.optional.txt

# hash

# compress

Install the plugin

Download Prime Backup from GitHub Release, and place it into the plugin folder of MCDR. Perform a MCDR plugin reload


Before using Prime Backup, you need to configure its config file correctly

Don't worry, for most of the config options, you can use the default values. But there are a few options that you might still want to take a look at


When Prime Backup is firstly loaded by MCDR, it will automatically generate the config file, with the location at config/prime_backup/config.json

└── config/
    └── prime_backup/
        └── config.json       <-------------

It's a json file, so you need to follow the json syntax to edit it

Necessary configs

Here are a few important things in the config file:

  1. Backup target, i.e. the directories / files you want to create backup on. You need to change the "world" in the targets array to your world directory name

    // root config
        // ...
        "backup": {
            "targets": [
        // ...

    In addition, if you are using bukkit-like servers that split the world dimensions, you might want to use something like this:

    "targets": [
  2. The methods to calculate / store all backup data

    // root config
        // ...
        "backup": {
            "hash_method": "xxh128",
            "compress_method": "zstd",
        // ...
    • hash_method: The algorithm to hash the files. Available options: "xxh128", "sha256", "blake3"

      • "xxh128": A extremely fast, high-quality non-cryptographic hash algorithm. Recommend to use, unless you want theoretic extreme safety on hackers
      • "sha256": A cryptographically secure and widely used hash algorithm
      • "blake3": A cryptographically secure and speedy hash algorithm. Much faster than sha256, but still slower than xxh128 Recommend to use, don't forget to install the blake3 Python requirement
    • compress_method: The way the backups get compressed. Common suggestions:

      • "plain": No compression. Use this if you want the maximum operation speed
      • "zstd": Fast and good compression algorithm. Recommend to use you want to save some disk spaces


    If you want to use blake3 as the hash method, you need to install the blake3 python library manually. It's not included in the default requirement list, because in some environments it might require rust runtime to build and install

    pip3 install blake3


    It is recommended that you set these two options wisely from the start

    Although you can still use the !!pb database migrate_xxx command in MCDR to migrate the compression method and hash method of existing backups, completing the migration might require a certain amount of time and disk space

  3. Enable the plugin. Set the enabled option in the root object to true. It should be at the top of the whole config file

    // root config
        "enabled": true
        // ...
  4. Reload the plugin with MCDR command

    !!MCDR plugin reload prime_backup

Now Prime Backup should start working


Enter !!pb in the MCDR console, or in game, you should see the welcome page as shown below
